May is one of my favorite months of the year. It’s a month of transitions and transformations. Spring slowly turning into summer. And new grads stepping into their next chapters. Commencement season gathers grads and their kin to share words of wisdom, igniting a light to guide them into thier next chapter.

When I was embarking on my graduation season, I applied to be part of a pool of student speakers to speak during our commencement ceremony. I reflected form hours about what I had learned during my time in university. And through my digging, I found my artistic disposition. Though I was selected to come for a callback and recite my speech, I didn’t make it on stage. But today, I’ve found the courage to share what I had to say back then. And how it still rings true to how I’ve created my life so far. SO– here it goes; below is my speech I’m finally getting to share (with some dated referenced included)…


Welcome grads, family, friends and faculty to Steinhardt’s 2013 commencement. I am very grateful and thrilled to be here.

As we are about to graduate from the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, I find it appropriate to talk about humans. Humans are natural beings and there is nothing better than an NYU education to give us that experience. Whether it was the crazy roommates we lived with, the journies abroad or the sleepless nights spent streaming videos, these experiences have colored our paths and connected us to each other.

When I first moved into my dorm room in Third North, I found myself in the middle of great expressions of individualism. My neighbors stayed up all night editing film reels they had just shot. A student in the dining hall blogged about her potent observations of the most fashionable New Yorkers. A fellow classmate composed and mixed music in the piano room; a young man pondered the philosophies of Darwin and wrote poetry at two in the morning. All of these people are not only among us today, but they have all participated in the act of expressing their art.

Art is an expression of nature and more closely, human nature. It is an innate desire in us to express ourselves and to make ourselves understood. It is the highest form of virtue that frees us from the imaginary bounds that exist in our outside world. And because of this, our world has never been as connected than it is now.

An artist is constantly in communication. Whether we’re listening to him sing at two in the morning or seeing her work in a gallery, she is always asking questions and not necessarily seeking answers. And it is this artistic act, the creation of ideas and our execution of its interpretation that allows us to reveal ourselves and share an experience. It is our imagination. Natures way of giving us many visions of the innumerable ways we can decide to live our lives. We are all artists, trekking through and continuing to create our lives. And what is the greatest expression of art, if it isn’t the life that we create for ourselves and share with others moment by moment.

I would like to take a moment to thank my mother, for being the best human in my life. She created a fantastic life for me and always supported my ambitions. She showed me that working hard and being passionate are strong elements that can lead to happiness and satisfaction. And most importantly, to never forget that we are human beings, not human doings.

Oscar Wilde once said that “Society only exists as a mental concept, in the real world, there are only individuals”. As we walk through the stage and accept our diplomas, we are also walking into a life of an individual with the great privilege to participate in our larger, global society. One where we can’t always Google our way to an answer. But one where we can experience what we’re seeking. I feel humbled to say that being a Steinhardt student has shown me how to be a human being. That life can be an adventure and success can be measured by the moments that we’re empowered to create with each other. 

These past four years of our lives have molded us into who we are today. And we are entering a time filled with opportunities and possibilities that are waiting to be produced by us. We no longer need to separate our profession with our artistic nature. We are closer to bringing this world together. And most importantly, we are closer to becoming ourselves. Thank you and congratulations to the Class of 2013.